We have successfully cancelled ANOTHTER illegal worker civil penalty, holding the Home Office accountable whilst maintaining our clients reputation.

Immigration Compliance were recently instructed by a small independent restaurant who were subjected to an immigration raid and served with a civil penalty.  As consultants, we were able to advise the business on the civil penalty process and request for the Home Office to respond to us directly to reduce the burden on the restaurant. 

Immigration Compliance submitted a timely response to the ‘Information Request’ and conducted a thorough investigation into the raid to backup the businesses compliance and the unlawfulness of the immigration raid.  This was later followed up with a robust ‘Objection’ to the Home Office where we were able to produce further evidence and subsequently the £10,000.00 civil penalty fine has been CANCELLED.

The business has maintained their reputation and the Home Office have been held accountable.

We are urging all businesses to challenge an imposed civil penalty.  Immigration officers repeatedly act outside of the guidance and legislation that is put in place to ensure raids are carried out lawfully and so often they are not held liable for their mistakes.

Our small team of consultants provide a bespoke service.  We will respond to an ‘Information Request’, submit an objection and provide support if the case is taken to court as well as carrying out an audit on your current internal processes to ensure your business remains compliant.